

I live in Cape Town, South Africa, and I love code, making music and the outdoors. You will find me to be quite an extrovert who loves to talk to people. When I’m not looking at code or making music I love to be out running or camping in nature. I have a love-hate relationship with social media, but I’m working to be more active at it for professional reasons.

Projects & Interests

Outside of my job I have some ongoing personal code projects that I work on in my spare time. Front and center of mind right now is a full-stack personal budgeting, expense tracking and investment monitoring web app. I’ve been building it from the ground up for the fun of it. It has been useful for staying on top of data warehousing concepts, data management, automation and front-end development. I’m also enjoying coming up with metrics to help me with financial and investment planning. Finally, I get to test a lot of python and R concepts on all the stages of development. This project will probably never be done, since there might be scope for some machine learning and AI applications.

Other projects include figuring out how to write an odoo integration for a friend and learning as much financial machine learning and econometrics as I can. My interests span mostly finance, macroeconomics and efficient modelling and computation. Everything I learn I will probably try to document on this site.

Have fun looking around my site!